Change Microsoft Word Ruler To Inches Mac 2011

MS Word shows a horizontal and a vertical ruler that it uses to align margins, paragraphs, images, tables, etc. This ruler can be customized and played with by the user in many ways. I use it extensively in formatting my documents.

However, I use MS Word 2007 where the ruler unit is in inches by default (refer the image below). And somehow I am not comfortable with the inches scale.

So, I considered changing the units to Centimeters. If you have similar intent, follow the two steps elaborated below:-

Apr 12, 2011  If you want to change the unit for measurement in PowerPoint 2011 for Mac, you can choose from inches, centimeters, points, or picas. Users of Windows versions of PowerPoint have choices limited to just inches or centimeters! Changing the measurement unit primarily affects the rulers visible within PowerPoint. Sep 29, 2019 Go to the View tab. To enable the ruler, check 'Ruler' under Show block. You will see it above the page and on the left side. To disable the ruler, uncheck 'Ruler' option.

Step 1: Open MS Word and navigate to File -> Word Options.

Step 2: On the Word Options window, switch to the Advanced tab (on the left pane). Scroll to the section for Display and choose the desired unit from the drop down placed against the option reading Show measurements in units of. Click on Ok when done.

That’s it. You now have a ruler showing the unit that you find easy to work with. Here is mine that reads in cm.

Don’t see the ruler? You can activate it by navigating to View tab. Tick mark Ruler on the Show/Hide section.

Image Credit: Biking Nikon

Also SeeChange microsoft word ruler to inches mac 2011 64#msword #Tips & Tricks

Change Microsoft Word Ruler To Inches Mac 2011 Torrent

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The old-fashioned idea of a basic tab stop is that when you press the Tab key, the cursor jumps to the next tab stop that’s set on the ruler and then you start typing. In Office 2011 for Mac, this kind of tab stop is the left tab stop. These days, tabs do a lot more than just act as a position to stop the cursor.

Tabs work at the paragraph level; when you set tab stops, they work with the currently selected paragraphs. You can select an entire document before you set tabs if you want your tab stops to work for the whole thing. The actual steps to set a tab stop are simple:

  1. Select one or more paragraphs.

    If you want to select the entire document, choose Edit→Select All from the menu bar or press Command-A.

  2. Click the Tabs menu and choose one of the five tab stops.

  3. Click in the horizontal ruler wherever you want a tab stop.

    Each time you click, the symbol for the tab stop you chose is placed into the ruler.

When you work with tabs, be sure to toggle paragraph marks on and off with the Show All Non-Printing Characters button on the Standard toolbar. This button is simply labeled Show on the toolbar. When paragraph marks are turned on, you see an arrow pointing to the right appear in the text whenever you press the Tab key.

Change Microsoft Word Ruler To Inches Mac 2011 Torrent

Your paragraph behaves differently for each of the five kinds of tab stops. Here are descriptions of each kind of tab stop:

Change Microsoft Word Ruler To Inches Mac 2011 Review

  • Left: By default, each document has a left tab stop every 1/2 inch, unless you click in the ruler to add your own stops.

  • Center: After you set a center tab stop, press the Tab key to move to the stop. When you start typing, your text is centered below the tab stop.

  • Right: After you set a right tab stop, press the Tab key to move to the right tab stop and start typing. Use a right tab to right-align text, perhaps when making a column.

  • Decimal: As the name implies, use this tab stop when you’re typing decimal numbers. Word lines up the numbers at the decimal point. Even if you don’t type an actual decimal point, Word assumes the decimal point.

  • Bar: Danger: Using a bar tab stop may cause inebriation. Okay, not really. A bar tab stop is much the same as a left tab stop, except Word puts a vertical bar at the tab stop. After you set a bar stop and start typing, your text is to the right of the bar.