Change Password In Microsoft Outlook 2011 Mac

Important Points

  • First you need to make sure the email address(es) you will be sending from have been authorised for your account in our Control Panel .
  • These instructions assume your email account has already been setup and is collecting email correctly.

Configuring Gmail (IMAP) and Outlook for Mac 2011. Having recently started to use a Mac at home, quickly started to miss Outlook. So I was delighted to hear of the release of Microsoft Office for Mac 2011. The following are the instructions to set up IMAP access in Outlook 2011. How do I change my password in Outlook 2011 for Mac? Go to the Outlook menu in the menu bar and choose Preferences. Click the Accounts button. If you have multiple accounts setup in Outlook 2011, please make sure that you are in your. Oct 20, 2011  SWiM Communications guides you to setup your email account in Microsoft Outlook 2011 on a MAC. Visit us at: Check out our other video.

  • Take a note of any settings you change.
  • Only change the items specified - you should not need to change either your email address, POP3 server, POP3 username / password.
  • These instructions are only for Microsoft Outlook 2011 for Apple Mac OS X - for other email programs please see How To Setup AuthSMTP or contact us.
  • We have instructions for both default SMTP port and alternate SMTP port configurations - alternate port is generally used if your ISP blocks the normal port 25 SMTP access (as many do these days!).

Step One

  • Load Microsoft Outlook 2011 on your Apple Mac computer
  • Go to 'Tools' menu
  • Click on the 'Accounts...' option

Step Two

  • Select the account you wish to setup with AuthSMTP from the left hand pane of the Accounts window

Step Three

  • Change the 'Outgoing Server' to the SMTP server we supplied in your signup email, typically ''
  • Select the 'Override default port'
  • Change the port to '2525' (or 23, 26)
  • Click the 'More Options...' button

Step Four

Change Outlook Password

  • Click on 'Authentication' and select 'User Name and Password'
  • Enter the AuthSMTP Username and Password that has been emailed to you
  • Do not modify the 'Unqualified domain' section
  • Click OK

Step Five

  • You have now setup the AuthSMTP outgoing mail server
  • Close the window

Step Eight

Outlook 2013 Password Change

  • You should now be back to the main Outlook 2011 screen
  • Close Outlook 2011 and then reload
  • Check you are online then test to ensure you can send mail correctly
  • All done!

Are you having a problem sending email or looking for a reliable SMTP server?

AuthSMTP is the outgoing SMTP email service for your e-commerce website, mailing list or email program.

It works on most current computers or devices and solves many of the common problems with sending email such as relaying denied errors or blacklisting issues.

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