Microsoft Excel Sprache Ändern Mac


This Excel tutorial explains how to change the data source for a pivot table in Excel 2011 for Mac (with screenshots and step-by-step instructions).

See solution in other versions of Excel:

Wie kann ich bei Microsoft Office Mac 2011 in WORD die Laufweite der Schrift einstellen? Ich habe die englische Version und habe nach Font Spacing geschaut (in allen Menues, Toolbars und auch in der Hilfe) aber leider nichts gefunden. May 28, 2016  It's easy to change the language of your Office 2016 and it's free compare to the previous version of Office.

Question: In Microsoft Excel 2011 for Mac, I've created a pivot table and now I need to change the data source. How do I change the data source for an existing pivot table?


Answer:Click somewhere in the pivot table and the PivotTable tab should appear in the toolbar at the top of the screen. Select the PivotTable tab, click on the Options button and select Change Source from the popup menu.

When the Change PivotTable Data Source window appears, change the Location value to reflect the new data source for your pivot table. Click on the OK button.

System Sprache Aendern Windows 10

Now when you return to your pivot table, it should display information from the new data source.