What Is Better Tha Microsoft Word For Mac Book

How to get Microsoft Word for free on Mac If you're looking for a free version of Microsoft Word on your Mac, there are some good options and some bad ones. We show which are the ones to choose. Nov 23, 2019 The best alternatives to Microsoft Office allow users the freedom to create and edit — many are even compatible with files made in Word, Excel, and other Microsoft’s programs. If you’re loyal to Microsoft’s product, it’s worth trying out the Office web-based applications.

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Apple makes wonderful computers. Hell, they are more than just computers, they are art as well. Much like a high-end premium automobile, the MacBook Pro demands attention, portraying the message that the owner is a success. Even if you want to run Windows, an Apple computer may be the best choice from a hardware perspective.

What Is Better Than Microsoft Word For Macbook Air Free Download

Well, at least it was. Unfortunately for Tim Cook and crew, the MacBook Pro has lost a bit of its luster, especially in the professional world. Why, you ask? Dell's Precision M3800 is a better machine from a performance standpoint, and arguably just as attractive. Don't just take my word for it, Dell commissioned a study to back it up.

'We commissioned a Principled Technologies performance study and infographic demonstrating ways in which the M3800 outperforms the MacBook Pro for video editing in Adobe Creative Cloud. And if that doesn’t convince you, you might want to take a look at a case study from creative agency Sparksight, a customer who recently switched from Apple to Dell Precision', says Dell.

That customer, Kelly Shores, CEO of Sparksight explains, 'the processing power you get per dollar with Dell is twice what you’d get from a Mac. For some people, their heart might be with Mac but we have to run our business with our head. As we budget for more hardware, it will be Dell'.

What Is Better Than Microsoft Word For Macbook Pro


Below are 7 ways Dell's computer is better. Do you agree? Tell me in the comments.

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