Where Is Object Panel On Microsoft Word Mac

Use the Selection pane to manage objects in your document: re-order them, show or hide them, and group or ungroup them. You can launch the Selection Pane from the Select item on the Home tab of the ribbon.

To move an object behind the text or above the text, right-click the object on the canvas, choose Send to Back Send Behind Text, or choose Bring to Front Bring in Front of Text. After you select an item in the Selection pane, you can click again to change the name of the item. Excel 2016 for Mac PowerPoint 2016 for Mac Word 2016 for Mac Word for Mac 2011 Excel for Mac 2011 PowerPoint for Mac 2011 More. Less You can set the properties for a Visual Basic project, and then set how you want to help protect the project.

Where is object panel on microsoft word mac 2017

Once you've inserted shapes, text boxes, SmartArt graphics, images, or other objects, you can open the Selection Pane to keep track of them all.

The objects are listed in the pane in visual stacking order—top-to-bottom. The most recently inserted object is at the top of the list.

Change the order of the objects

  1. Select an object in your file.

  2. Select the ... Format tab that appears on the right end of the ribbon, and then, in the Arrange group, choose Selection Pane.

  3. Select one or more items in the list. (Use Ctrl+Click to multi-select).

  4. Drag the selection upward or downward, or click the up (Bring Forward) or down (Send Backward) arrow .

Note: For an object that's in a group, you can only reorder it within the group.

Group objects

  1. Select an object in your file.

  2. Select the ... Format tab that appears on the right end of the ribbon, and then, in the Arrange group, choose Selection Pane.

  3. In the pane, use Ctrl+Click to select the items you want to group.

  4. On the ... Format tab at the right end of the ribbon, select Group > Group (or Arrange > Group > Group).

After grouping the objects, you can format them or move or them on the canvas as a single entity. For more information, see Group or ungroup shapes, pictures, or other objects.

You can select multiple objects within a group and the groups within it, but you can't select objects within groups together with objects not in groups.

Hide objects

Hiding an object keeps it in the file, but makes it invisible. This feature should be used with caution, because it can be easy to entirely forget about a hidden object.

  1. Select an object in your file.

  2. Select the ... Format tab that appears on the right end of the ribbon, and then, in the Arrange group, choose Selection Pane.

  3. In the pane, select an item in the list.

  4. On the right side of the item, click the 'open eye' button. . This action hides the object.

    To make the object visible again, just click the 'closed eye' button .

To see an object that's under another object, you can hide the object on top temporarily, make the changes you want, and then show the object on top again.


  • In Word, inline objects are listed in the Selection Pane, but you can't reorder them, hide them, or multi-select them.

  • In Word, you can reorder objects above the text among other objects above the text, but you can’t move it behind the text. Similarly, you can reorder objects below the text among other objects below the text, but you can’t move it above the text. To move an object behind the text or above the text, right-click the object on the canvas, choose Send to Back > Send Behind Text, or choose Bring to Front > Bring in Front of Text.

  • After you select an item in the Selection pane, you can click again to change the name of the item. In PowerPoint for Office 365, this ability comes in handy for using the Morph transition. See Morph tips and tricks for details.

  • By default, the most recently inserted object is at the top of the list in the Selection pane, and the first object inserted is at the bottom of the list.

Keyboard shortcuts

You can use these keyboard shortcuts in the Selection pane:

To do this


Open the Selection pane


Move the keyboard focus through the major regions until it is in the Selection Pane


Navigate by keyboard through the buttons in the pane and then into the list


Move the focus among the items in the list

Up arrow, down arrow

Select an item in the list

Enter or spacebar

Edit the name of the item in the list that has focus


Add/remove the item from the selection (that is, multi-select)

Shift+Enter or Shift+spacebar

Toggle the visibility of the item that has focus


Send the selected items backward


Bring the selected items forward


Collapse the current group

Left arrow

Expand the current group

Right arrow

Collapse all groups


Expand all groups


Reading order

In PowerPoint and Excel, the reading order (for screen readers) of content is closely related to the order shown in the Selection pane.

  • Word When a screen reader reads through a file, the objects are read in the order or their anchors.

  • Excel When a screen reader reads through a file, the objects are read in the order listed in the Selection Pane.

  • PowerPoint When a screen reader reads through a file, it reads the objects in the reverse order listed in the Selection pane.

Once you've inserted shapes, text boxes, SmartArt graphics, images, or other objects, you can open the Selection Pane to manage them all.

(This feature is available in newer versions of Office for Mac. It isn't available in Office for Mac 2011.)

  1. Select one of the objects you want to manage.

  2. Select the ... Format tab that appears on at the right end of the ribbon when you select the object, and then choose Selection Pane (or Arrange > Selection Pane).

  3. The Selection Pane opens with all your objects listed, and you can do any of the following:

    • Drag an item up or down in the list to change the order. In the example below from PowerPoint, moving the curved connector to the top of the list also brought it forward in front of the two oval shapes (and everything else on the slide).

      In the example pictured, the connector is at the bottom of the list, and is behind the two oval shapes.

      After the connector is moved to the top of the list, it appears in front of the two oval shapes.

    • Choose to show or hide objects from the Selection Pane. To hide an object, click the eye icon in the Selection Pane indicating that the object is Showing . The icon will change to a simple icon indicating that the object is Hidden from view. To show the object once again, simply click the Hidden icon , and the object will reappear.

      The connector in the example above is hidden, and does not appear on the slide.

    • Group or ungroup objects listed in the Selection Pane. If you select multiple objects by using ⌘ + Click, you can then group them or ungroup them by selecting Group Objects on the ribbon in the Format tab.

From pictures and graphs to SmartArt, you can easily add all sorts of objects to a Word document in Office 2011 for Mac. But after the object is inserted in your Word document, you’ll probably need to control how text wraps around it. You can adjust text wrapping in Print Layout, Notebook Layout, Publishing Layout, and Full Screen views.

Using contextual menus to wrap text in Word 2011

The fastest way to get at the Wrap Text options is to right-click an object. This produces a pop-up menu from which you can choose Wrap Text.

Wrap text using the Office 2011 Ribbon

Where Is Object Panel On Microsoft Word Mac Free


Microsoft Word Free For Mac

When you select an object, the Wrap Text button in the Arrange group on the Ribbon’s Format tab becomes available. The Wrap Text button offers the same wrapping options as the Advanced Layout dialog, but you choose them using a pop-up menu, like this:

  1. Select an object.

    The border surrounding the object becomes prominent, usually with dots called handles that you can drag to resize the object.

  2. On the Ribbon’s Format Picture tab, find the Arrange group; click Wrap Text and choose a wrapping option from the pop-up menu.

    Text wraps around your object based on your style choice.