Apple Pages Vs Microsoft Word For Mac

I'm thinking about getting a word processor for my Mac. The two most popular options are probably Microsoft's Word or Apple's Pages. Before I decide to buy one I need to make sure that it will have all of the features I need. Aug 09, 2016  Apple Pages is just one component of Apple’s iWork software suite. It’s the main word processor for Mac and though it’s quite popular with many Mac users, it never really gained a foothold in the business world, quite possibly because there were just so many people tied to Microsoft Word. Sep 16, 2016 Which is the best word processing option for iPad and iPhone: Microsoft Word or Apple Pages? Our Pages vs Word review tests both iPad and iPhone text editors. We discover which iPad or iPhone word.

We’ve redesigned Pages, Numbers, and Keynote to work even better with Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. Now, more features are supported, including commenting, conditional formatting, and bubble charts. And each update adds greater compatibility. It’s never been easier to take a Microsoft Office document from your Mac or PC and import it into Pages, Numbers, and Keynote. So you can keep the workflow flowing.

ForMicrosoft word for apple free

See all the ways our productivity apps support popular Microsoft Office features.

Free Microsoft Word For Mac

Microsoft Word Format (.docx)Pages for Mac
TextSupportedPartially SupportedNot Supported
Bidirectional TextSupported for Arabic and Hebrew
Column Formats
Font TypesFonts available for download are imported. Unsupported fonts are substituted.
Line Spacing
Tab SettingSome tab settings may look different
Text Boxes
Linked Text Boxes
Text Colors
Text Effects
Text Highlighting
Text Wrap
Vertical Text
WordArtText is preserved, but formatting may not be maintained
ListsSupportedPartially SupportedNot Supported
Image Bulleted Lists
Numbered Lists
Text Bulleted ListsStylized bullets replaced with plain bullets
Tiered Numbered ListsSome lists may look different
ParagraphsSupportedPartially SupportedNot Supported
Background Shading
Paragraph Styles
IllustrationsSupportedPartially SupportedNot Supported
Floating Objects
ImagesMost image formats are preserved
SmartArt GraphicsImported as shape
ChartsSupportedPartially SupportedNot Supported
2D Column
2D Stacked Column
2D 100% Stacked Column
2D Bar
2D Stacked Bar
2D 100% Stacked Bar
2D Line
2D Stacked LineImported as Line chart
2D Marked Line
2D Stacked Marked Line
2D 100% Stacked Marked Line
2D 100% Stacked LineImported as Line chart
2D Area
2D Stacked Area
2D 100% Stacked Area
2D Smooth Marked Scatter
2D Smooth Lined Scatter
2D Straight Marked Scatter
2D Straight Lined Scatter
2D Pie
2D Exploded Pie
2D Pie of PieImported as Pie chart
2D Bar of PieImported as Pie chart
2D Marked Scatter
3D Column
3D Stacked Column
3D 100% Stacked Column
3D Bar
3D Stacked Bar
3D 100% Stacked Bar
3D Line
3D Area
3D Pie
3D Exploded Pie
3D Stacked Area
3D 100% Stacked Area
Bubble Charts
DoughnutImported as single tier doughnut chart
Exploded DoughnutImported as Pie chart
Surface Charts
Radar Charts
High-Low-Close StockImported as Line chart
Open-High-Low-Close StockImported as Line chart
Volume-High-Low-Close StockImported as Bar chart
Volume-Open-High-Low-Close StockImported as Bar chart
Column Cylinder
Stacked Column Cylinder
100% Stacked Column Cylinder
3D Column Cylinder
Column ConeImported as 3D Column Cylinder chart
Stacked Column ConeImported as 3D Column Cylinder chart
100% Stacked Column ConeImported as 3D Column Cylinder chart
3D Column ConeImported as 3D Column Cylinder chart
Column PyramidImported as 3D Rectangle Column chart
Stacked Column PyramidImported as 3D Rectangle Column chart
100% Stacked Column PyramidImported as 3D Rectangle Column chart
3D Column PyramidImported as 3D Rectangle Column chart
Bar Cylinder
Stacked Bar Cylinder
100% Stacked Column Cylinder
Bar ConeImported as Bar Cylinder chart
Stacked Bar ConeImported as Bar Cylinder chart
100% Stacked Bar ConeImported as Bar Cylinder chart
Bar PyramidImported as 3D Rectangle Bar chart
Stacked Bar PyramidImported as 3D Rectangle Bar chart
100% Stacked Bar PyramidImported as 3D Rectangle Bar chart
Header and FooterSupportedPartially SupportedNot Supported
FootersTables in footers are not supported
HeadersTables in headers are not supported
Page Numbering
SymbolsSupportedPartially SupportedNot Supported
Page Setup OptionsSupportedPartially SupportedNot Supported
Margin Presets
Page Sizes
Page BackgroundSupportedPartially SupportedNot Supported
Page Color
ReferencesSupportedPartially SupportedNot Supported
BibliographyEndNote bibliographies are supported. In Word Citation Manager bibliographies, text is preserved but cannot be managed.
CitationsEndNote bibliographies are supported. In Word Citation Manager bibliographies, text is preserved but cannot be managed.
Table of ContentsNot all styling is preserved
Reviewing ToolsSupportedPartially SupportedNot Supported
CommentsText comments are supported
Ink AnnotationsImported as shapes
Track ChangesChanges to body text continue to be tracked. All other changes are accepted on import.
MiscellaneousSupportedPartially SupportedNot Supported
HyperlinksWeb, email and bookmark hyperlinks are supported. File hyperlinks are removed.
OLE Objects

Mac Pages vs Word: a reader asks…

Hi Chris, I’m in the process of switching from Windows to a Mac. I’ve been using Microsoft Word for a long time now, but am not too happy about having to pay for the program again just to use it on a Mac. My new Mac has this program called Pages which does word processing, can I use that with my Word documents? Are there any ‘gotchas’?

One of the really nice thing about moving from a Microsoft Windows PC to a Mac is that your new Mac comes with a whole bunch of programs to do most things you want to do without adding additional software. One of those things is word processing. Apple’s answer to Microsoft Word (part of the Microsoft Office suite of software) is Pages. Pages is a full-featured word processor, but operates a little bit differently than the Word you’re used to.

Apple’s Pages has full import and export functionality for various types of word processing programs including Microsoft Word. You can certainly import a Microsoft Word document into Pages, but there are a few compatibility problems. For a complete list, check out the table at this Apple support website. But in a nutshell, you’ll see issues in these seven areas:

Microsoft Word For Apple Mac

  • Fonts: Apple does a good job of choosing the nearest Mac font to whatever font you used in your Word document, but it may not be an exact match.
  • Tab settings: Apple will import your tabs into Pages, but they may not look the same and need adjusting.
  • Text settings: Apple’s Pages doesn’t support linked text boxes, text effects, or vertical text. If you used WordArt in MS Word, you’ll see the text you used, but not the special WordArt appearance.
  • Fancy bullets and numbers for lists: Pages will give you bulleted and numbered lists, but your exact format may not convert over. Also some paragraph styles may look different than the original in MS Word.
  • Graphics/Images: Pages supports many types of images, but not everything. And if you used Microsoft’s SmartArt Graphics, that won’t transfer over.
  • Tables and Charts: some types of pie and line charts may not look the same when you bring them over, and you can’t import surface or radar charts from MS Word to Pages. And don’t expect your tables to come over cleanly either.
  • Misc: page borders and backgrounds in MS Word won’t transfer over, neither will borders and watermarks, equations. And you can’t use Word Macros, they don’t come across. Nor do Word themes, ink annotations, ligatures, and OLE objects. If you’ve an image embedded in a table, the image might not be imported, but you can re-do that in Pages. If you’re a big fan of ‘Track Changes’ you’ll miss that, as well as linked Table of Contents (e.g., Bookmarks). Finally, bibliographies and citations will be imported, but they can’t be managed like you did in MS Word.

Apple Pages Vs Microsoft Word For Mac Download


Apple Pages Vs Microsoft Word For Mac Download

Pages is great when you’re creating documents, once you get to know how it works (it isn’t hard). But it is quite a bit different than Microsoft Word, so you’ll have a bit of a learning curve to get over before you’re comfortable in the Mac world. You’ll see the same types of compatibility issues with Numbers (Apple’s answer to Excel) and Keynote (Apple’s answer to Powerpoint). All these programs work great, but there’s going to be a transition period where it may take you a bit to get comfortable with how these Apple programs do things.

Free Word For Apple Mac

If you routinely work with others and have to deal with Microsoft Word documents, then it might be worth the investment in an Office 365 subscription so you can continue to use Word and not have to deal with compatibility issues.