Can Microsoft Access Run On A Mac

UPDATED JUNE 2017: Prices updated and a 6th app added…

Yes you read that correctly! Up until recently, there was no way to open a Microsoft Access database directly on a Mac. However, there are, at the time of writing, five apps, all available from the Mac App Store, which allow you to open and view data in Access database tables. Below is a summary of the apps.

MDB Tool

Apr 11, 2019  You could set up a dual boot with Boot Camp and run Windows and Access natively. Or, you could use VMware Fusion or Parallels Desktop to run Windows on top of OS X.

Can Microsoft Access Run On A Mac
  • Opens MDB and ACCDB files (2007 only, not 2010/2013)
  • Only provides access to tables. Does not support queries, forms or reports
  • Exports to CSV and SQL formats
  • Available for £5.99 from

MDB Explorer

  • Opens tables from multiple databases at same time
  • Exports to various formats including CSV, TXT, Excel and SQL
  • Filter, sort and search functionality allows you to easily find the information you need
  • Supports MDB but ACCDB support is available via in-app purchase £9.99
  • Available for £9.99 from


  • Opens MDB and ACCDB files
  • Search functionality
  • If you double click a record it opens in a separate window – great for reading long text entries
  • Exports to various formats including Excel, CSV, SQL
  • Documentation includes instructions for transferring to Bento, Numbers, Open Office
  • Available for £18.99 from


  • Converts MDB to SQLite
  • SQLite is a small database engine found in many gadgets and small websites
  • Just drag and drop the MDB file onto the app’s window
  • Supports MDB format only
  • Available for £3.99 from

ACCDB Explorer

  • From the same company that makes MDB Explorer
  • Similar functionality to MDB Explorer but supports ACCDB as well as MDB
  • Reads attachments from 2007 format databases
  • Reads calculated fields from Access 2010 format databases
  • £19.99 from

Viewer for Access Database

  • I have added this one following an email I received from the developer (Disclaimer: I am NOT making any money from this!)
  • At this time the app supports to open, view and export accdb and mdb files.
  • The developer will improve the app on user request in the next weeks/li>
  • £2.99 from

Editor for Access Database

The only Mac App which allow you edit MS Access Database on Mac directly. View, Edit and Create Microsoft Access database on your Mac with the App. You can view data easily with Filter, Sort, Paging, and export data or schema to other databases, also edit data directly with very customizable data control, create new databases and create new tables.

Since the MAC version of MS Office does not include MS Access (there is no MAC version of Access and never has been) , we often see questions similar to:

How can I run Microsoft Access on a MAC?”

in various forums. While it is true that you can’t get Access (and other programs) for MAC, there are still ways to run them on your MAC. Let’s take a closer look at each of these.

Possible Ways to Run MS Access on a MAC

Can Microsoft Access Run On A Mac

Here are a couple solutions that I am aware of:

Virtualization Software

You can install any number of virtualization software programs, such as Parallels or VMWare Fusion or Oracle VirtualBox, to create a virtual machine in which you install Windows and then MS Office/Access and or any other Windows program(s) of your choosing. This does requires buying Parallels, and owing licenses for Windows and any other program you wish to install.

Once it is setup you can run launch your Windows Virtual Machine directly from within your MAC OS.


Use Apple’s free Bootcamp software which will create a separate Windows formatted partition on the hard drive to install Windows and the appropriate drivers. It will run Windows as fast or faster than a PC of equivalent specification. The only downside (aside from the cost) is that you cannot run the Mac OS and the Windows OS simultaneously. Users who wanted to use Access would have to shut down the Mac OS and reboot into Windows.

So basically you split/partition your MAC hard drive to create a spot to install Windows. So your computer end up having both OSs installed and you pick which one to run at startup.

Remote Access Software

Another interesting option is to use remote access software, programs such as:

  • Microsoft’s Remote Desktop
  • TeamViewer
  • etc…

to connect to a another computer. The remote access software simply transmits the image of the other computer’s screen image directly back to your local PC. So, you are in fact working directly on the other computer.

How to get microsoft access for mac

So, if you already have access to a Windows PC or server, you can use remote access software to connect to it and run your database.


I recently came across a program called CrossOver which states:

Run Microsoft Windows software on your Mac without buying a Windows license, rebooting or using a virtual machine

Can Microsoft Access Run On A Mac Drive

I don’t know anything more about this product, but it sounds very interesting and may be worth further investigation. Furthermore, they offer a trial version so you can take it for a test drive.

Can Microsoft Access Run On A Mac

Microsoft Query

Can Microsoft Access Run On A Mac Drive

If you simply need to access the data, but not interact with it (Add/Edit/Delete) and you have a copy of MS Office for MAC then you can use Microsoft Query to access the data via ODBC.